Bridle Hill Farm is happy to announce that our Solar intalation has been completed by
This system is comprised of (96) 190 watt Evergreen Spruce Line photovoltaic modules totaling 18,240 watts of peak DC power.
This array provides approximately 1,623 kWh per month on average of clean solar electricity at your location
Installing this system offsets approximately 410 tons of carbon from polluting our atmosphere or roughly the equivalent of planting 49 acres of trees. (as compared to coal burning electric)
BHF in the news
BHF approved for:
USDA Rural Development grant (REEP)$292,000-for-solar.aspx
Photos to follow as cunstruction starts.
December 2009, BHF invested in a soapstone woodstove.
Cutting oil usage by 90%.

- Heats up to: 2,500 sq. ft.
- Burn Time: Up to 10 hours
- Heat Life: Up to 14 hours
- Size: 80,000 BTUs
- EPA Rating: 2.8 grams per hour